College Policies and Administrative Procedures

College guidelines, procedures, and templates outlined below apply to the members of one or more of the following categories – students, staff, or faculty, or impact the work of more than one area of the college. They provide guidelines to help achieve university objectives, including compliance with university, local, state, and federal laws, as well as outline a process for effective, uniform, and consistent college operations.

CEC departments and schools have created their own bylaws and guidelines that apply to their respective areas and are responsible for maintaining these documents and ensuring that they are not in conflict with official university policies. Please click here to download guidelines for our academic units, such as Evaluation of Teaching Guidelines, Tenure and Promotion Guidelines, and Differential Assignment Policies.

College Policies and Administrative Procedures

College guidelines, procedures, and templates outlined below apply to the members of one or more of the following categories – students, staff, or faculty, or impact the work of more than one area of the college. They provide guidelines to help achieve university objectives, including compliance with university, local, state, and federal laws, as well as outline a process for effective, uniform, and consistent college operations.

CEC departments and schools have created their own bylaws and guidelines that apply to their respective areas and are responsible for maintaining these documents and ensuring that they are not in conflict with official university policies. Please click here to download guidelines for our academic units, such as Evaluation of Teaching Guidelines, Tenure and Promotion Guidelines, and Differential Assignment Policies.

Note: In order to have an access to or download the documents highlighted below, you may be prompted to enter your FIU credentials (username/password).

  1. Administration and Operations: 
    1. Pattern of Administration (POA):  The POA describes policies and structures concerning the governance of the college and faculty responsibilities. Specifically the PoA presents information about the college organization, administration and decision-making, faculty membership and appointments, responsibilities, course offerings, teaching schedules and leaves, outside activities, conflicts of interest.
    2. College Standard Operations Manual (SOM)revised on June 2024: It describes guidelines, protocols and procedures concerning finance management, human resources, research administration, academic pattern of administration, marketing and communications practices, event and building operations, graduate and undergraduate program services, fundraising and information technology, and the business operations & standards at the Office of the Dean.
    3. College-wide Faculty & Staff Communications: This document provides an overview of procedural guidelines and a college-wide policy that apply to the announcements sent to CEC employees (faculty & staff) or its subset of faculty and staff mailing lists simultaneously to ensure pertinent information is circulated to our community.
    4. Protocol to Request Dean’s Participation in College Events: Please employ procedures highlighted in this protocol if you wish the dean participate in events organized by the units within the college. It does not apply to candidate interviews or internal meetings such as faculty/staff meetings.
    5. FIU Events Calendar User Guidelines. This manual provides guidelines about posting events (i.e. conferences, workshops, seminar series) to the calendars managed by the college or units.
  2. Academic Affairs 
    1. CEC Courtesy Appointment Guidelines
    2. Large Online Enrollment Compensation Guidelines
    3. Instructional Overload Guidelines
    4. Large Course Compensation Guidelines
    5. Tenure and Promotion and Tenure-Track/Third-Year Review Guidelines
    6. Non-Tenure Track Faculty Promotion Guidelines
    7. Professor of Practice Promotion Guidelines
    8. Research Faculty Promotion Guidelines
    9. Differential Assignment Guidelines
    10. Annual Assignment and Review of Faculty
    11. Default Evaluation Metric Tables
    12. Default Merit Raise Guidelines
    13. CEC T&P Dossier Organization and Letter Solicitation Expectations
    14. CEC T&P Cover Page & Checklist
  3. Forms and Templates:
    1. College PowerPoint Templates: You can download and use power point presentation templates created for college, listed below, for your presentation or other meeting needs. These templates incorporate FIU’s new brand campaign colors, design and style. Please refrain from recreating different versions. More information about FIU’s brand guidelines can be found here. If you have any questions about the templates, please contact Elizabeth Calzadilla.
      1. CEC Hybrid: This template merges classic format with new colors. It could be used for research presentations and alike.
      2. CEC Real Triumphs: This template incorporates geometric design elements and may be more suitable for presentations that call for more images, less text, such as student orientations, town halls, displays for lobby screens, slideshows.
    2. College Overview:
      1. College General Overview (September 2024): College general overview presents our points of pride, student demographics, research stats, rankings, faculty honors, alumni and industry partnerships as well as a brief outline of our research areas. Available Format: PPT slides
      2. College Research Overview (September 2024): Research overview provides more comprehensive information about our research areas, particularly four research trusts that are outlined in our 2025 strategic plan. Available format: PPT slides.
    3. Research Administration: Forms listed below apply to research proposal submissions. If you have any questions about these forms please contact research administration team at the college.
      1. Budget Justification Template
      2. Cost Share Form
      3. Direct Charge Exemption Form-Expenses
      4. Direct Charge Exemption Form-Salaries
      5. Electronic Proposal Routing Approval Form – Word
      6. Electronic Proposal Routing Approval Form – PDF
      7. Internal Budget Sheet
      8. Purchase of Electronic Devices
    4. Dean’s Office Event Space Request Form: An Event Space Request (ESR) form is required anytime a unit wishes the use of a space that is under the control and management of the Office of the Dean at CEC such as EC2300, EC2461, Panther Pit, EC lawn, EC underdeck, for an advertised function at the college or Engineering Center, such as seminars, workshops, celebrations, guest speakers.
    5. CEC Virtual Background Images: College virtual background images can be used at any virtual activity (a meeting or an event) with our internal/external partners, in particular those activities that don’t have a customized background image or a theme. You can download these images here.
  4. Access to CEC SharePoint: CEC has employed Microsoft SharePoint group site to help organize and share information more effectively and house policies, guidelines, protocols as well as presentations and templates that are commonly used by or circulated to the CEC faculty and staff. If you are having issues accessing the CEC SharePoint site or downloading a document, please contact Steven Luis or his designee at the Engineering Information Center.