Student Success News
Student Spotlight: Gia Exploring Aerospace Materials through Groundbreaking Research
Meet Gia, a dedicated senior in mechanical engineering whose journey from Ecuador to FIU showcases her perseverance, academic excellence, and passion for advancing aerospace materials research. Why did you choose FIU CEC? Although FIU wasn’t my first choice or my...
She failed to break Apple security, now she works there
Inspired by the impenetrability of the tech giant’s devices while participating in a hacking challenge, Paulina Acosta planned her future. Now, after her FIU journey, she is an Apple engineer. Paulina Acosta ’22 sat down in an FIU lab one day with a challenge from her...
Student Spotlight: Lousindy, Redefining Success in Computer Engineering
Lousindy Mitton, a graduate student in Computer Engineering at FIU, is making strides in both academia and technology. In 2024, she earned the prestigious Foreign Affairs IT Fellowship, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and administered by The Washington...
Worlds Ahead Graduates – Fall 2018
Cesar Villa-Garcia
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
At age 10, Cesar came to the U.S. from his native Peru, and taught himself how to code and design. By middle school, he was developing websites and creating computer graphics. After graduating from Miami Dade College, he took three years off to save money and help his family financially.
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Melody Gonzalez
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
A single mother, Melody worked two jobs and paid for school with more than 10 scholarships, including national awards from the Society of Women Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers and a Google STEM Scholarship.
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Md Asif Raihan
Degree: Ph.D. in Civil Engineering
Md Asif Raihan is guided by the words of Steve Jobs: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” It is what drove him to pursue his Ph.D. in civil engineering despite several challenges. He left his young sons behind in his native Bangladesh to pursue his dream. During his time at FIU, he worked day and night, despite several serious and persistent health issues.
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Soheil Soleimanikutanaei
Degree: Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
Soheil was determined to come to the U.S. from his homeland, Iran. Arriving in a new country and not knowing anyone was difficult. After authoring more than 70 articles which have been cited over 2,600 times, he is receiving his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering.
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