Academic Units Policies

CEC departments and schools have created their own bylaws and guidelines that are applicable to their respective areas and are responsible for maintaining these documents and ensuring that they are not in conflict with official university policies.

Academic Units Policies

CEC departments and schools have created their own bylaws and guidelines applicable to their respective areas. They are responsible for maintaining these documents and ensuring that they are not in conflict with official university policies.

Note: In order to have an access to or download the documents highlighted below, you may be prompted to enter your FIU credentials (username/password).

Academic Units

  1. Evaluation of Teaching Guidelines: 
    1. Biomedical Engineering Department Guidelines and Rubric
    2.  Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Guidelines and Rubric
    3.  Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Guidelines: ECE employs the college rubric as a default.
    4.  Enterprise and Logistics Engineering Program: ELE employs college guidelines and rubrics as a default.
    5.  Knight Foundation School of Computer and Information Sciences Guidelines and Rubric
    6.  Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department Guidelines and Rubric
    7.  Moss Department of Construction Management Guidelines and Rubric
    8.  School of Universal Computing, Construction, and Engineering Education Guidelines and Rubric
  2. Tenure and Promotion Guidelines: 
    1. BME Dept.: Tenure & Promotion Guidelines; Non-Tenure Promotion Guidelines
    2. CEE Dept.: Tenure & Promotion Guidelines; Non-Tenure Promotion Guidelines
    3. ECE Dept.: Tenure & Promotion Guidelines; Non-Tenure Promotion Guidelines
    4. ELE Program: Tenure & Promotion Guidelines; Non-Tenure Promotion Guidelines
    5. KFSCIS: Tenure & Promotion Guidelines; Non-Tenure Promotion Guidelines
    6. MME Dept.: Tenure & Promotion Guidelines; Non-Tenure Promotion Guidelines
    7. SUCCEED: Tenure & Promotion Guidelines for Tenure-Track/Tenured and Non-Tenure Eligible Faculty& Promotion Guidelines
    8. Moss Department of Construction Management: Tenure & Promotion Guidelines for Tenure-Track/Tenured and Non-Tenure Eligible Faculty & Promotion Guidelines
  3. Post-Tenure Review Guidelines: This college document describes quantifiable metrics for systematically assigning “exceeds expectations” and “meets expectations” for teaching, research, and service for CEC faculty undergoing post-tenure review.
    1. The university guidelines for determining overall calculations can be found here.
    2. Additional guidance for evaluating the research performance of CEC faculty during their PTR and T&P reviews can be found here.
  4. External Awards: The CEC External Faculty Awards Catalog is an inventory of honorific faculty award opportunities (fellowships, memberships, or prizes) that are awarded by external organizations. These honors are intended to acknowledge faculty excellence in teaching, research, or service. This spreadsheet provides a comprehensive list of these opportunities, offering a curated selection of available awards in engineering and computing disciplines. You can download the spreadsheet here.
  5. Merit Raise Policies
    1. BME Dept.: Merit Raise & Bonus Guidelines
    2. CEE Dept.: Merit Raise & Bonus Guidelines
    3. ECE Dept.:
    4. ELE Program:
    5. KFSCIS: Merit Raise & Bonus Guidelines
    6. MME Dept.:
    7. SUCCEED: Merit Raise & Bonus Guidelines
    8. Moss Department of Construction Management: Merit Guidelines
  6. Differential Assignment Policies