FIU’s Jessica Ramella-Roman recently received a patent for using optical technologies to identify preterm labor. Preterm labor, which occurs when a woman goes into labor before 37 weeks, occurs in more than 11percent of births in the United States and in more...
Computers handle a lot more than we think. Take, for example, when a coworker sends a zip file via email. To read the documents within the zip file, a computer user has to decompress the file, which takes up memory space and processing time. As more and more data gets...
Medical issues such as lymphedema, edema and lymphatic obstruction are painful and difficult to diagnose. These diseases consist of fluid build-up and occlusion, or blockage, of blood flow, usually in an appendage such as an arm or a leg. Often caused by cancer...
The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) has awarded FIU a $4.2 million grant to research vacuum nanoelectronics and generate a new technology called Nanoscale Vacuum Field Effect (VFETs). VFETs will help improve radar signal quality and...
Florida International University is among the top universities in the world leading the way in innovation, according to rankings released last week by the National Academy of Inventors and the Intellectual Property Owners Association.FIU was ranked 15th in the nation...
FIU has been recognized as an institution with “highest research activity,” or R1 category, since 2015. This classification represents the highest level of research activity for doctorate-granting universities in the U.S. In the new Carnegie review, less than 3...