Select individuals are recognized with an award for significant achievements in their scholarly pursuits during the grand Faculty Convocation and Awards Ceremony, FIU’s annual celebration of the collective accomplishments of our faculty.

On October 18, CEC faculty were recognized for their excellence in award categories including Teaching, Research and Advising & Mentorship. Congratulations to the following faculty:

Mohammadhadi Amini
Award in Excellence in Teaching
Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences (KFSCIS)

Mohamed Elzomor
Award in Excellence in Advising & Mentorship
Moss Department of Construction Management

Stephen Secules
Award in Excellence in Teaching
School of Universal Computing, Construction & Engineering Education (SUCCEED)

Ju Sun
Award in Excellence in Teaching
Mechanical and Materials Engineering

Selcuk Uluagac
Award in Excellence in Research
Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences (KFSCIS)

Ioannis Zisis
Award in Excellence in Research
Civil and Environmental Engineering