With online learning growing in universities across the nation, most myths have been dispelled, but some remain. Several of Florida International University’s online alumni discuss what they feel are the biggest misconceptions regarding online degree programs and share their best tips to help current and prospective students.
1. Use online classes to graduate on time.
“The misconception of online learning is that online classes are the easy way out, that they are for those who are lazy, and the classes are easy. You can’t be lazy, and classes are not easy. In reality, if you’re not going into it with 100 percent, you’re not going to get the best out of the program,” said Hassan Hussein, who earned a bachelor’s in information technology in 2017 and a master’s in computer engineering in 2019.
Hussein played basketball for FIU and his online classes helped free up his time when he needed to travel for games. They also helped alleviate his schedule with practices and gym time. No stranger to discipline, the student athlete maintained top grades while completing his master’s degree on time, with the help of online classes.
2. Manage your time to be successful.
“People think they won’t have time to pursue a degree online. You have to manage your time, but the programs can be accomplished,” asserted Eloy Perez, who is an industrial network design engineer at Chevron. Perez earned three degrees from FIU: a bachelor’s in computer science in 2007; a master’s in computer engineering: network security in 2016; and a master’s in engineering/industrial management in 2018.
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