Both part time and full time students find that tutoring increases their likelihood of success in challenging courses. Spending time with tutoring has little to do with your academic ability.  Ultimately tutoring helps students master understanding of material in critical courses in their major.  Successful students agree that tutoring is “a must” if you want to improve your chances of passing a tough course in your first attempt.  Students who have been tutored in the past often become successful tutors themselves.

Tutoring Resources available to College of Engineering and Computing Students:

    • Center for Academic Success (CfAS): Mathematics (all levels), Chemistry (all levels), Physics with/without Calculus I and II, Statistics, Biology. The Center is located in Green Library.  For more information, please visit
    • The College of Engineering & Computing established the CD-SSEC to coordinate Engineering related tutoring initiatives within the College. Courses tutored are Statics Dynamics, Circuit Analysis, and Engineering Economy among others.  The Center is located in the Engineering Center room EC 2760.  For more information please go to:
    • The Academic Success Initiative was established by the School of Computing and Information Sciences to help students with Computer Science-based coursework. Courses tutored are a wide array of programming, math, and statistics courses.  The Office is located in PG6 Room 100.  For more information, please go to: