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Mark Allen Weiss

Distinguished University Professor, Interim Vice Dean

mark-weiss-cv-fiu-college-engineering-computing Mark Allen Weiss is the Interim Vice Dean at the College of Engineering Computing (CEC) and a Distinguished University Professor at the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences (KFSCIS) at FIU. He served for more than six years as the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education until recently and as Interim Founding Director of the School of Universal Computing, Construction, and Engineering EDucation (SUCCEED) between 2018 and 2021, having previously served for nine years as Associate Director of the School of Computing and Information Sciences. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Cooper Union in 1983, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Princeton University in 1987, after which he joined FIU. His interests include data structures,algorithms, and education. He is most well-known for his highly-acclaimed Data Structures textbooks, which have been used by a generation of students. Read More.

Office: EC 2443
Phone: 305.348.2036


fiu-college-engineeering-computing-laura-gimenez Headshot

Laura Gimenez

Graduate and Undergraduate Program Assistant

Office: EC 2442A
Phone: 305.348.1869