Florida International University’s Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences has been awarded a $2.25 million grant by the U.S. Army Research Office to establish a Center of Excellence in digital forensics at FIU in collaboration with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Institutions (MIs).
The Forensic Investigations Network in Digital Sciences (FINDS) Center of Excellence (COE) will provide a vital research hub and workforce pathway for digital forensics professionals entering the Department of Defense and other governmental departments and agencies. It is expected to train more than 100 students over five years.
FIU Distinguished University Professor S. S. “Ram” Iyengar, the principal investigator and director of the FINDS COE, designed the program and developed the partner university collaborations to leverage networks, gain access to needed resources and promote already successful programs and practices.
“This partnership is not only rounding out FIU’s academic and research offerings in the space of digital forensics, but also helping universities, particularly HBCU’s, secure funding, gain additional resources and improve the quality of instruction, as well as facilitate summer internships for graduate students,” Iyengar said.
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