FIU researchers are working to solve the problems of tomorrow. Specifically, the future of smart city infrastructures and autonomous vehicles, vehicles that can drive themselves.
Two researchers from the College of Engineering & Computing – M. Hadi Amini, an assistant professor in the School of Computing & Information Sciences, and Alireza Rahimi, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering – are working on ways to revolutionize urban infrastructures, transportation networks and how cities work.
Amini and his research group are currently developing distributed machine learning algorithms, as well as distributed intelligence and optimization methods, capable of dealing with real-time decision-making problems in interdependent networks, including energy networks, transportation networks and healthcare applications.
The HADI (Holistic Agent-based Distributed algorithm for IoT-based interdependent networks) is capable of solving large-scale decision-making problems in smart city infrastructures. Smart city infrastructure involves an evolved way of living and working, connecting energy systems, buildings and industries together with smart technology. Amini’s recent research journal article published on Patterns provides a vision of data science problems in the context of interdependent networks and smart city infrastructures.
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