In this series, recent grads share their journey to landing that first job out of college. After years of studying and working toward a degree, these Panthers’ hard work paid off. Now they’re paying it forward by letting you know how they did it.
Name: Jorge Cisternas
Hometown: I was born in Santiago, Chile. I came to Miami when I was 11 years old.
Degree/major? Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from FIU, master’s degree in industrial and systems engineering from the University of Florida (UF) and a second master’s degree in business administration, also from UF.
Where are you working? Title? I’m an engineer in the Engineering Leadership Development Program at Lockheed Martin in Manassas, Virginia.
How did you get your job? I first spoke with Lockheed Martin at the Resume Fest, an FIU event that allows students and alumni the chance to get their resumes critiqued by professional recruiters. I really wanted my resume to get reviewed by the Lockheed Martin team, and I was lucky enough to be chosen for a review. Once the manager saw it, he was kind enough to point out a couple of things to fix, but also stated that he wanted me to interview for an internship position. That summer, I was able to be part of the intern program with Lockheed Martin in Orlando, and that’s how my career with the company started four years ago.
Read More at FIU News.