The FIU College of Engineering and Computing is a proud partner of the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME). NACME is the largest provider of college scholarships for underrepresented minorities pursuing degrees at schools of engineering.
The 2016-2017 academic year was an especially strong showing for FIU’s NACME scholars. Out of 40 colleges and universities, FIU ranked as the second largest producer of NACME scholar graduates. With a total of 55 participants, all six of the college’s majors are represented.
Some of our bright NACME stars are highlighted below:
Alexis Smoot
Major: Environmental Engineering
NACME Ambassador for Spring-Fall 2017
Former SWE President and current SWE Student Advisor
Currently working in FIU’s Applied Research Center as the Department of Energy Fellow
Current GPA 3.0
David Quiroga
Major: Electrical Engineering
IEEE, Club Secretary
Peer-to-Peer Tutor
Currently completing a Summer Internship specializing in RF (Radio Frequencies) for Northrop Grumman in San Diego, CA
Nicole Fierro
Major: Mechanical & Materials Engineering
Former Eco Engineering Club President
Dean’s List
Final GPA 3.5
Accepted a position in UTC Aerospace Systems as a Manufacturing Engineer in Fairfield, CA
Many corporate partners recruit NACME scholars for internships and full-time positions. Through their career center portal, NACME provides companies with access to NACME scholar resumes, and several internships are exclusively marketed to NACME students. Here a few scholars that accepted positions at Lockheed Martin.
Jorge Cisternas- Systems Engineer Associate
Patrick Muñoz- Software Engineer, LDP Associate
Santiago Norena- Systems Engineering Associate
Andre Arguelles- Engineering Leadership Development Program Assistant
The following companies also recruit from the NACME career center portal:
Ford Motor Company
Rathyeon Company
Lockheed Martin
Exxon Mobil
Northup Grunman Corporation
General Electric
Shell Oil Company